Thursday, 7 July 2016


Almost everywhere we look today migration is bandied about as a bad thing. Why?

We are, by nature, a curious folk and this curiosity has led to all the amazing things we now have in the world.  Migration brings new people, experiences, viewpoints, cultures, tastes, sounds, sights, smells, collaborations and discoveries.

How many of us love a good curry?  Or pizza?  Burger?  Crepes?  Falafel?  Bake and Buljol?

We may not like or agree with everyone in the world but the beauty of freedom is that if you do not like someone you can move away.  (I almost wrote 'walk' then realised that I usually 'roll'!!)

I am pretty sure that all those people shouting about immigrants being bad enjoy the benefits of those immigrants.  How many of our doctors and nurses are immigrants?  What about cleaners? Teachers? Teaching Assistants?  Carers?  Restaurant staff?  Hotel staff?  Builders? Office staff?

Just as so many people have chosen to come to this country many of our natives have chosen to emigrate and give the benefit of their skills to another nation.  This freedom has allowed us to collaborate with each other and great discoveries have been made. 

We are a world of innovators-from the person creating recipes in their kitchen to the person designing a space station we all contribute to the world.  I could not reach so many of you without the internet being so easily accessible from my bed and this connectivity has eased my isolation immeasurably.

IN the spirit of migration a friend recently suggested that I blog with Wordpress so that I can reach a wider audience and in the few shorts days of doing just that I have received more feedback from readers than in all the time with Blogger so, in the spirit of migration, I have decided to move.  All my posts have been transferred and this will be my last Blogger post.

Please do join me in my new Wordpress home.

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